Pearl, who was to become wife to Alexander Brown Wright, mother to Alan James Wright, grandmother to Pamela, Philip and James...Aunt to Debby and Lanny, great-grandmother to Alexander, Brendan, Chandler...great aunt to Evan, Audrey, Justin, Adam, Jennifer....
Date of this photo unknown.
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Postcards from summer camp:
Howdy Pop! I'm not homesick yet. Pearl
Postmarked Aug 25, 1915 (age 17)
Genuine Photograph by Neber's Studio & Frame Co.
635 2nd Ave, Upper Troy, NY
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An earlier postcard addressed to her mama,
postmarked Aug 1910 (age 12)
Catamont(?) NY
I am having a great time,
but money seems to fly away.
The hay-rides and everything
cost real money. This is just a
gentle little hint and request.
You have my address. Pearl