Saturday, August 13, 2011

Hello Pearl

High School, Amsterdam, NY  Addressed to Miss Pearl Brockman 
Postmarked Amsterdam, NY July 30, 1916?
Pub. by Charles W. Hughes, Mechanicville, N.Y.  Printed in United States
Addressed to:  Miss Pearl Brockman
I'm having a good time and have been out twice with fellows.  
It's gala week here you know.  I think I will be home Sunday.
(no signature)
Guy Park Avenue, Amsterdam, NY
Addressed to:  Mrs. Henry Brockman 15 Ave B, Schenectady, NY  
Postmarked Amsterdam, NY  Poct 25, 1910  8-pm   
Published by the Valentine & Sons Publishing Co.  New York and Boston.   
I've expect to be back in Schenectady some time Friday, in the P.M., I think  Clara 
Woodland and Deal Lake, Southerly Side, Interlaken.  
Stormfeltz-Loweley-Neville Co., Developers
Addressed to Pearl Brockman, 
Postmarked Asbury Park, NJ July 14, 1914, 1pm
Dear Pearl, I'm having the time th of my life 
in bathing every day  well so long
Eleanor xxxxxx

Hoosick River Bridge & Falls, Hoosick Falls, N.Y.  
Addressed to Pearl Brockman, postmarked Nov 4, 1913, 8 am
 I received your card.  I thank you for it.  Tell the other girls to write  O you kid
John Springer 

Bottom:  Rocky Road and Ben Hur Race, Coney Island, N.Y.  
Addressed to:  Miss Pearl Brockman 15 Ave B, Schenectady, NY
Postmarked Times Sq. Sta. July 5, 1914, 1pm  
Just a line to let you know that I am living but far away.  Billy

Addressed to:  
Miss Pearl Brockman 15 Ave B, Schenectady, NY  
Postmarked Dunkirk, NY Trans CLK.RM 8pm 1911.   
Dear Pearl, Arrived home safe  made fine connections for Dk.  
Got off the train & went right on the train for Dk.(Dunkirk)  
Didn't have to wait at all.  Got home at 2:30pm.  
Yours in love- ans. soon-- Vivian

My dear roomy,  What a nice snowy a.m.! The trees are just covered.  
I thought about you between nine and ten Wed. night.  
Doesn't it seem wonderful to be at home?  Had a wonderful time Thanksgiving day 
but of course I couldn't resist being popular and at present.  
Roomy, I'm laid up with Betty's trouble - 
reason why I'm not writing more extensively.  
It just hurts so to swallow  I'd almost rather go hungry than to eat. 
 For this reason I didn't have my hair shampooed yesterday 
and may have to wait until after we return.   
Thurs. night when our phone rang I said to my folks, "I'll bet that's Uncle Albert"  
and sure enough it was.  Called us up from Nashua, N.H.  
Since you're studying Psychology maybe you can account for it.  
The lines are all out of commission this a.m.   Mother was settled more 
than I expected but there are still many little things to be done.  
See you Tues. noon if nothing happens     Love, M.E.B.  

Yvonne wanted Dot's & V's address - her now so D's = 104 Forest Ave,  
V's 182 Washington St.   Hudson, (Mass?)   Will you give them to her?   
Pearl's friend Eleanor sure seemed to have
 a zest for life. She loved the water! Lake or ocean....
Hello Pearl,  I'm writing this at Rockaway  
Just got out of the ocean  gee it's great  
Having the time of my life  By-Bye   Eleanor    
(Postmarked  Rockaway Beach Station,  NY   Aug 23, 1915)   

Oriental Hotel, Holland, Rockaway Beach, N.Y. 

Prayer Rally Days in the early 1900's

Prayer rallies are still present today...especially in the south...
looks like "God Squads" were just as busy over 100 years ago...
All Good Wishes for a Joyous Birthday
A simple greeting on a card, 
But still let it impart,  
The earnest wish, the deep regard, 
That lives within my heart.

Addressed to Mrs. Amelia Brockman  15 Ave B  City

"Search the Scriptures"    I wish you could meet with the women
 in the church the first Friday of each month 3 P.M. 
 for a Missionary meeting.   
Ada P. Van Atler   Nov. 8, 1910
(Postmarked Schenectady, NY   Nov 7 10-pm  1910)

This is a special invitation to you to be present 
at the Rally Day Services on Oct. 6, 1912.  
We want this day to mark the renewal of our devotion 
to the very important work we are together 
trying to do in the Master's Name. 
 Because of your interest we feel sure that you will come.  
Bring someone with you.  
Cordially yours,  Elizabeth Glaser

Dear Pearl,  
I know you will be present Sabbath to help Polly (sic--Rally?)  
Elizabeth    special collection   
(Postmarked Schenectady, NY  Oct 8 4-PM  1912)

To Lionel Brockman

Addressed to Mr. Lionel Brockman
115 Avenue A  Schenectady, NY 
Postmarked New York, NY  July 13, 1903
Will be glad to know how baby is (Uncle Henry) 
It is three weeks since we left you and one week of our stay here is gone.  
We are very comfortably located.  Louise

Photo of 4678-Booklyn Bridge, NY 
Souenir Post Card Co. NY   Copyright A. Loeffler, 1907 (?) 
Aunt Louise wrote on the front:
 How are you and how goes the work?  
Have not seen this yet.  
68 West 106th St. New York City, NY 

Mr. Lionel Brockman  11 Ave B  Schenectady  N.Y.     
Am only 3 1/2 hours from Columbia  
Had a real good train 7:10 now? Friday.  
Less than 20 miles now so I guess I'll make it safely.  Louise  
(Postcard:  Made expressly for S. H. Knox & Co.    Printed in Germany)  
Postmarked Columbia, S.C.  Aug 14  4:30pm  1908

Addressed to Lionel Brockman  11 Avenue B  Schenectady,  NY
I thought you would like to see this.  
Miss Collins and I are out at the Point.  
Lots of boys in bathing.  
Dunkirk seems rather quiet.  Lovingly,  Aunt Louise   
(Post Card:  Dunkirk Academy, Dunkirk, N.Y.     
The Weiler Publishing Company, Dunkirk, N.Y.  
American Agents, Trier, Berlin)    
Postmarked  Dunkirk, N.Y.   Jul 30, 1 pm   1908