Sunday, July 24, 2011

Birthday Wishes

Miss Pearl Brockman   
To a young lady whom the stork brought 
to Mr. and Mrs. Brockman 12 years ago.   
May she remain many years to make them happy.  Aunt Louise
Postmarked April 15, 1910  11-30am,  Columbia, S.C.

I'm sending a wish for your birthday
A wish and a hope and a prayer
A wish that the day may be joyous and gay
Unclouded by sorrow or care--
A hope that the year that is coming 
Will find you both steadfast and true
And a prayer that its strongest temptation
May never be stronger than you

Addressed to :   Miss Pearl Brockman
15 Avenue B  Schenectady, NY  
Postmarked april 26  11:30am  1909 from Columbia, SC
(from Aunt Louise  for Pearl's 11th birthday)

Many good wishes for Pearl
April 28, 1909
   "     28, 1898

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